A comprehensive selection of my work across areas of technology, social issues, sustainability and more.

Take a look at my work

The everywhere gym

Today, if you take any measure of exercise, it’s highly unlikely that it’s in complete isolation. At one end of the spectrum, many of us have the ubiquitous smart watch or fitness tracker, keeping count of our steps and automatically recognising if we run, cycle or even swim. At the other end, we have elite athletes, who are also subject to scrutiny from worn sensors but produce data that is assessed by other means too. Their movement and form are captured on camera and analysed through machine learning. Vitals are monitored with precision tools and athletes’ bodies undergo rigorous assessment by medics using advanced imaging techniques.

It’s a smart time to be luxe

Coco Chanel’s famous take on the definition of luxury came from a world where the ultimate smart bed ($120,000 dollars with smartphone-controlled sleep scenarios, ambient lighting, fragrance control and private cinema) and bespoke Hermès Apple Watches did not exist. However, a clever designer and savvy brand builder, Coco was absolutely correct in that a little bit of luxury goes a long way. And, today, you certainly don’t have to be super-rich to feel super rich when the wealth of upscale products on the market can give your day that platinum-coated edge.
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